In line with the latest guidance from the UK Government, Green & Co. have now closed all of their office buildings. However, all our departmental teams are working remotely and remain fully available to our clients and customers.
This means that we are open for business, but avoiding unnecessary face to face contact. Our roles demand that we regularly work away from the office so we are very well suited to operating successfully in these circumstances. We will be able to remain in contact with you and you with us via whatever medium you choose - phone, email, social media, website or postal service.
We will remain fully up to date with the restrictions and implications of the Covid-19 pandemic and be able to offer professional property advice wherever we can. You may be in the midst of a transaction at present and we remain here to support you through that process. You may be planning a future move and to know how best to prepare. Whatever your property related enquiry we will be pleased to hear from you and we will offer what advice we can.
It may helpful for you to know that for some time we have been offering virtual tours of properties that could be of interest to you. If you would like any more information on any of the properties on our website just let us know.
In the meantime, please keep up to date with any of our news either via our website or from any of our social media channels all of which are available 24/ 7. Our website contains all our contact details and information on all of our properties available.
From everyone in the Green & Co. team - Stay safe.